stoopid laws in KY


Basically im pressed for time and straining for creativity at the moment. The result of that is me googling stupid laws in Kentucky and giving my opinion on them.  They really are rather ridiculous and I’m shocked, but also at the same time amused because it takes some type of retarded yet genius state of mind to even think of a couple of these. I only found a few, but feel free to do your googles and find more. Hope you enjoy 🙂


  1. “Throwing eggs at a public speaker could result in up to one year in prison. (Repealed, 1975)”
    – Okay. This isnt that bad. It says it was repealed so thats always a good thing right? I should probably take the time to look up and see if it just specifically eggs that you cant throw. But, what if i do that and the law isnt as exciting anymore? Lets leave this one at this. Dont throw eggs. But you can throw a shoe. Or rocks. Hell, throw yourself at the public speaker.
  2. “It is illegal to fish with a bow and arrow in Kentucky.” 
    – Now its heating up. Not too outrageous. But rather specific. Why cant i use what was given to feed my family? You mean to tell me that if i was hungry and had no money, i cant go out in the wilderness with my bow and arrow and get dinner? Blasphemy. This law stinks. Literally getting aggravated as I’m typing. If i had a damn sniper rifle i could hunt all i wanted too though. Law is trash. Tomb Raider cant  survive here in Kentucky? Arrow? Link from Legend of Zelda? Sheesh.
  3. “A woman may not buy a hat without her husband’s permission.” (Owensboro, Ky.)
    – Interesting. Very interesting. So, with that law, if I’m married and in owensboro (not sure why I would even be in Owensboro) and my wife wakes up wanting a hat, drives to like Kohls or something & picks up a hat; do sirens go off if I’m not present? Do i have to be present? Can she call me and give it to the cashier? This one is a bit tricky. What do you tell the judge in court if this is against the law? I cant really give too much opinion on this one because I have nothing but questions. What if the husband is under surgical matters and cant be contacted? Whatever. This law is garbage too.
  4. “One may not dye a duckling blue and offer it for sale unless more than six are for sale at once.”
    – Woah. This is ridiculously good. Not even Ducks, ducklings. Six is the minimum. Why even die a duckling? Wouldn’t the duck eventually just grow out of the dye? This is pointless. But..maybe its not pointless, and its something regular everyday folk like me just don’t understand. You need half a dozen to even consider doing something stupid; which kinda gives me a reason to go ahead and do it. Its amazing this law is here. Its so stupid you want to challenge it and make sure its still legit. By the time they’re ducks the blue will be gone. And what if i decide to dye them red, or green, or like…….. magenta?